by Rebi Hedger | Feb 26, 2024 | Uncategorized
Throwback to a freezing cold day in December – and our garden fence was adorned with spiders’ webs – it was absolutely stunning. And, like any millennial would, I instinctively took out my phone to capture the beauty before me. Later on, I’m scrolling back...
by Rebi Hedger | Dec 18, 2023 | Resources, wellbeing
I love Aldi and do you know why? Because they’ve taken (most) of the decision making out of my food shop. If I want pasta, I just grab the pasta, if I want baked beans, I buy baked beans – for the most part there are only ever one or two options of each food...
by Rebi Hedger | Sep 29, 2023 | Uncategorized
This time last year I was growing a human and felt like I had no space (neither physically or emotionally!) for growing much in the garden. I was sad and worried that all the joy and effort I’d put into those lockdown years would disappear. Despite my excitement...
by Rebi Hedger | Mar 31, 2022 | About Colab
Isn’t it great to finally feel the warmth of Spring arriving! We thought it was time for an update to see what we’ve been up to at the start of 2022. Coaching : continuing and expanding After receiving her accreditation at the end of last year, it’s been great for...
by Rebi Hedger | Feb 21, 2022 | About Colab
Ever the one to reflect, I’m a few days into a new decade and can’t help but think back over the one I’ve just left. Back in the autumn I was planting bulbs in my lawn, not knowing whether they grow or if the squirrels would steal them – and I...