Throwback to a freezing cold day in December – and our garden fence was adorned with spiders’ webs – it was absolutely stunning. And, like any millennial would, I instinctively took out my phone to capture the beauty before me.
Later on, I’m scrolling back through my pictures and it suddenly occurred to me, the spiders’ webs must always be there. Now this might seem obvious but I realised that it was the particularly freezing temperatures and frosty conditions that made me see the spider’s incredible creations – but the reality is, those webs are there all the time. It wasn’t the fact it was cold that meant the spiders had made their webs, but the difference was I could see them. Their beauty and intricate nature was more obvious but only because of the season.
I’ve been wondering about this ever since – what beautiful things do I miss because I’m not looking for them? And what is this season I’m in right now revealing to me, that might only be visible right now?
Maybe you think I’m bonkers for spending too much time thinking about a spider’s web, or maybe those deeper questions might be a good place for you to spend some time today?