Over  12 sessions Navigate explores themes of self-awareness, growth & freedom.

To help us do this we will use an image of a journey to describe our lives. This journey, like one we might walk, drive or sail, has high moments and low moments. Just like a real journey we have to think about what direction we are going in, what we take with us, what we leave behind, and who is with us along the way.

The aims of these sessions are to think about yourself, your past, your present, and your future. They are designed to help lead you into further freedom & self-development.

Through conversation, reflection & activities, there will be space for you to recognise where you are on the journey, to look back to where you have come from & be confident about the road ahead.

Navigate explores themes of self-awareness, growth & freedom.

How navigate works...

The suggested format is that Colab will work with your team, faciliating the programme with your leaders.

We believe that things are best led if they have been journeyed through by the leaders.

After 12 sessions, your team will be equipped to deliver the programme further within your organsiation and/or to your service users.

Who Navigate is for?

Navigate is for any organisation, business, or group that are looking to grow in self-awareness and freedom. We believe in seeing transformation in organisations, and this often starts with the idividual.

Navigate is therefore person focused, seeking to bring personal freedom primarily.

Interested in Navigate? Get in touch.

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